
Aldeburgh Golf Club

100 Club - Rules and Joining

The rules of the 100 club are as follows:

1. The name of the Club shall be the Aldeburgh Golf Club 100 Club – generally to be known as the 100 Club.

2. The aim of the club is to support Aldeburgh Golf Club.

3. An Organiser shall be appointed by the Aldeburgh Golf Club Committee. In the event of any dispute the matter shall be referred to the Aldeburgh Golf Club Committee who shall have free access to the books and records and records of the 100 Club and whose decision shall be binding.

4. Membership shall be for one year commencing 1st May. A subscription of £25 per annum shall entitle a member to one ticket for each of the draws referred to below. Any member wanting more than one ticket may obtain them by increasing his/her subscription pro-rata before 1st May.

5. Subscriptions shall be paid by bank transfer to ‘Aldeburgh Golf Club’ with a reference of ‘100 Club’. Alternatively, you can send a cheque payable to ‘Aldeburgh Golf Club’ to the Organiser.

6. Members shall participate in a number of draws throughout the year. The number of draws and the amount of the prizes will depend on the number of subscriptions received, but the prize fund for each draw should not be less than £600. The amount of the prizes is at the discretion of the Organiser. Aldeburgh Golf Club will be notified of the dates of the draws which will normally take place on the 1st of the month in which the draw is held.

7. When the final number of subscriptions is known the decision of the Organiser regarding prizes will be posted on the Club Notice Board.

8. Should the response be inadequate in the opinion of the Organiser he/she shall be entitled to cancel these arrangements: in which case a notice to this effect shall be put on the Club Notice Board and any subscriptions paid shall be returned with as little delay as possible.

9. After payment of prizes and expenses the balance of the subscriptions received shall go to Aldeburgh Golf Club.

If you would like to join the 100 club by buying one ticket or more the application form may be found here.

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